build instructions foR the PSYCHIC TRAINING DEVICE
This our simple, step-by-step guide to building the Psychic Training Device as seen in our social media videos.
We designed this to be accessible to anyone regardless of skill level or prior experience. If you've never built anything electronic before, don't be afraid, you can do this very easily. Just watch the videos and approach it step by step. You'll be very happy with the results.
We offer a complete kit with everything you will need for the build, and if you'd prefer a convenient and automated pre-built version check out our Mind to Mind device. You can find them in our shop.
Once you've completed your device, check out the Shambhala Initiative page for instructions on how to use the device, and consider joining one of our free Shambhala Initiative live sessions where we use these devices as a group in real time.
(Click icon Below)
The Arduino programs for running the device are in the .ZIP file below. Click the icon to download.