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By T.B. Pawels

The Greatest Hoax Ever Sold

In 1924, Dr. Biefeld, a Stanford professor of physics noticed that a charged plate moved in the direction of the positive pole. He assigned his unaccredited lab assis­tant, Thomas Townsend-Brown, to study the phenomenon, now called The Biefeld-Brown Effect; rank has priority. By 1927, T.T.-Brown published a paper on his findings, includ­ing his design of an aircraft to implement the BiefeId-Brown Effect at optimal efficiency. It had every feature described by Flight Captain Edwards when he reported the first modern sighting of Flying Saucers over Mount Rainier, exactly 20 years later. One of my read­ers wrote me that he saw a movie of Townsend-Brown's fly­ing discs, actually in flight; the film circulated around California high schools prior to Hitler's war, until scien­tific research was censored by Washington. Thomas Townsend-Brown retired to his secluded home on Catalina Island, where he devoted the rest of his long life to developing his flying discs, and secured many patents. My last word from Townsend-Brown, shortly before his recent death, says that he sold out to a secret R&D consortium.

According to the records, T.T.-Brown concluded after a few experiments that the Biefeld-Brown Effect was an interaction between the electromagnetic field and the gravitic field. I ran this through my synapses to see how T.T.-Brown would have tried this deduction. If he presupposed that the Effect was electromagnetic, as it ap­peared to be, he would have proven it with a Faraday Cage and other electromagnetic de­vices. Negative data would naturally seem to indicate electrogravity; T.T.-Brown's patents are based on that assumption. It would not occur to a talented but otherwise untrained assistant in a physics lab that an electrostatic field could produce chemical ions, and to test the possibility by performing ex­periments in an evacuated chamber. Nevertheless, when T.T.-Brown optimized his en­gine, his discs are patently aerodynamically efficient and not at all electrodynamic. Did T.T.-Brown deliberately falsify his documents to mis-lead competition, as Tesla is said to have done, or did he manage to make a Saucer fly despite mistaken reasoning? It is noteworthy that Otto's explanation for the operation of his carburetor is entirely mistaken; nevertheless, the internal combustion engine worked successfully for quite other reasons. The absence of technical criticism of T.T.-Brown's experiments, in the literature, indicates some­ thing between a horizontal bias and a 90 degree blind spot in the publishing industry.

Now, look at the Periodic Table of Elements; oxygen and nitrogen are positive atoms -- they seek electrons. Dry air is notoriously positive. A positive charge on the upper surface of a disc will repel the air to flow in laminae to the negative pole on the under side, producing a pressure differential sufficient to lift and propel the craft at a speed no less than twice sound ----- silently. Piloting is implemented by the same skills needed to keep a helicopter under control. In shops I have worked, I saw that it took 30,000 volts to ionize air at near vacuum pressure; therefore the Biefeld-Brown Effect becomes practical only at megavolts. The physics is self-evident.

In 1972, the French maga­zine, SCIENCE ET AVENIR pub­lished an article on Franco-American research into ion drives. A few years later, an American tabloid reported the successful test flights of the Franco-American ion drive. A photograph of a model of the aerospacecraft is included; the model is a disc, 3.5 times wider than thick. It is re­ported to fly supersonically without making a sound, glowing as a real Saucer should. It flies silently because the atmospheric ions flow in laminae without raising a shockwave, and it glows with the light of the ions excited by its electrical charge.

Now, segue to 1930. Nikola Tesla is the reigning electri­cal genius in internal exile. Naturally, he reads everything printed about electrical dis­coveries. He had to find T.T.-Brown's patents during his own patent searches. Tesla had to realize the truth; the Biefeld-Brown ef­fect was not electromagnetic. At this time, Tesla had al­ready demonstrated the surface direction of high voltage, so he had to realize that a nega­tive charge would do to photons what a positive charge does to air; you can see it for yourself without a bit of genius, in an ordinary vacuum tube. The next thing we read about Tesla, he announces his laser and his antigravitic shield --- which is the essen­tial mat/demat Flying Saucer by different names.

One of my correspondents, an aerospace engineer in Lockheed country Claims he saw actual secret loftings of a Flying Saucer; seemingly my suspicion expressed in HOW TO BUILD A FLYING SAUCER! is true, and Ryan Aeronautics is building them. The Ryan Corporation became famous for building light racing aircraft during the barnstorming era and fleet torpedo boats and flight trainers dur­ing WWII.

Major Alexander P. de Seversky is the creator the most powerful warplane of WWII, the Republic P-47 THUNDERBOLT; it was the first supersonic fighter in Opera­tion, although it wasn't intended to break the sonic bar­rier. Note well that his patent disclosure attests to the successful construction and test flights of model ion drives. Major de Seversky is no freak, but the very highest avionic authority in America; he was the architect of American military strategy during the Roosevelt Administration, which he explained to the public in his book, VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER, that Disney made into a movie.

Saucers have been test flown in full view of the pub­lic for 40 years, with the truth obscured by a blizzard of extraTerrestrial fantasies until no one believes the truth. Anyone who suggests a mundane explanation is regarded as crazier than the hysterical abductees selling books by the millions. Three editors were forced to resign their office because they insisted on publishing my naive electromechanical contraptions, twenty years ago. When HOW TO BUILD A FLYING SAUCER finally got printed, it was preceded by an editorial disclaimer of responsibility if my ideas happen to be true! In other words, the UFO pub­lishing industry will only publish obvious falsehoods. My initial article got pub­lished only after it became apparent that it wasn't true; it is a landmark in UFO pub­lishing only because of its audacity in suggesting that Flying Saucers are nothing more extraterrestrial than se­cret aerospace engineering in California.

After forty years of organized amateur, professional, and government investigation of the UFO phenomenon, you are obliged to consider whether every one of the thousands of exceedingly pertinacious and heavily funded researchers carefully avoided searching the obvious place, the U.S. Patent Office, or whether ev­ery researcher who did find the patents got the deep six.

Well, I can teil you from six feet under. Beginning with the publishers who ac­cepted my findings for years, every editor I approached with a dozen of the patents refused to even look at the official documents from Washington. One put me out, saying, "If your patents are authentic, then everything I believe in has betrayed me. Therefore, your documents must be false." Well, everything he believes in did betray him, and now he is betraying everything he be­lieves in.

Like real ghosts, real Flying Saucers are taboo. Fanciful accounts are raised to repress fear of the real thing, and the truth only provokes denial, with the wild rage of escaped terror. UFOs are the visible manifestation of the ultimate future shock that is afflicting our entire society with a classic neuro­sis. As a result, only freaks and little children can tell the truth in public, and the Saucers are flight tested like The Emperor's New Clothes in full view of the world without anyone believing millions of eye witnesses or photographs. The Purloined Letter and the Holocaust were not so well hidden.

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