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Occult Secrets of the Solar Christmas At The Vatican

In this short video we explore the occult secrets and pagan meaning of a hidden solar alignment at the Vatican we like to call the Solar Christmas.

In this short video we explore the occult secrets and pagan meaning of a hidden solar alignment at the Vatican we like to call the Solar Christmas.

The Vatican is a bastardized pagan solar temple and for the next three days, it will perform a dazzling secret alignment with the winter solstice. Let's take a look. I'm using a website called Suncalc ( that overlays solar alignments on Google Maps for any time. As you can see, this is an overhead view of the Vatican.

And the time is set for today, December 21st, 2022, the start of the three-day winter solstice. You will see three lines, yellow, orange, and dark orange. And as we start the animation, you will see the yellow line points to where the sun is visible during that time, during that hour. The medium orange line shows the location of sunrise, and the dark orange line shows location of sunset.

You will also see the yellow crescent that is shaded in here in an ellipse, and that shows the visible path of the sun as it moves through the sky on that day. When the intersection of the lines for the sunrise and sunset is placed directly over the obelisk in the center of the square, you will see that the path of the sun during that day correlates directly with the columns on the structure on the south side of that square.

This is a very deliberate alignment, because when you flip it to the summer solstice on June 21st, it aligns with the north side of the plaza. You can think of St. Peter's Square as a diagram to show you the path of the sun on the two solstices. And when you overlay these two diagrams, it points to a much deeper truth.

That the overlap of the two ellipses created by the summer and winter solstice creates the Vesica Piscis, the symbol of Christ. This astronomical diagram denotes the full yearly life cycle of the Son of God. And esoterically, denotes the completion of the perfected solar body, the great work, the light within men, the true Christ within.

Hallelujah, and happy solstice.

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